"NEWSPAPERS BURN IN THE SAND BUT THE HEADLINE SAYS MAN DESTROYS MAN" was a classic statement made by the sugar hill gang back in '82 and man was he on point or what? This culture is under attack from all angles and hip-hop now seems to be a way of finding an identity for the 13-25 year old demographic.Now don't get me wrong,rap music has had an influence on people just as all other generes of music but now people are beginning to take music a little too serious and for all the wrong reasons. We went from beatboxing to dancing,to the  revoloution with afrikka bambaata and chuck d to the stop the violence movement to this! A bunch of talentless niggers talkin about things they don't own and disrespecting every woman alive confusing the kids on what is real and what isn't! If i was 13 i would feel like a loser if i didn't dress like everybody else aka "keep up with the jones'" because this is what they see all the time,they want to be tough cause of 50 cent and want  to  dress like cash  money but couldn't pay a damn bill even if you held them at gun point! The advertisement of objectifying women and these super-thug so-called gangstas in rap got the younger female and male genration in constant competition with each other therefore causing them to act like asses in the streets and all over the tv and internet. There once was a time when the music was more like the theme song for what we were living but nobody spoke about,now its for people who want to be what the music represents instead of people representing the music. We are having an abundance of crimes happening in all these urban areas all around this nation and you have to understand that the one thing that we all share as black people is the culture meaning hip-hop,like it or not rap does have an effect on our youth and its time to clean it up a little or at least get theses positive cats albums off the shelf so the people can have a choice...WE are tired of songs that only talk about disrespecting our queens or flashin! Thats wack we want the real back in music,you clowns are making us look bad as a whole because you are all following suit(wanna-be's) this ain't us people wake up!!!!!!!!!!