I was home the other day and i saw a promo on tv for an all-women football league,sounds great right?..WRONG!!!!First of all it is a slap to any woman that fought for the equal rights and respect of women and second it totally degrading!Instead of full proper football equipment they give the women shoulder pads a helmet and a mouthpiece...as far as the rest goes well i'll just say that if sombody gets injured and has to remove their pads and helmet it can easily be classified as a playboy photoshoot!! Now i understand sex sells but how much has to be sold for it to be called prostitution???Give me a break,whatever happened to the sexy business woman or the tom-boy type that liked men!? Now between vide-ho's,women screwin guys for status and these silicone injected pin cushions its hard to tell what a good woman is!The successful ones feel like they don't need a man so they would rather be miserable or picky, the ones that are down to earth seem to be a little to "loose", others have had their heart broken and carry the baggage on and on and some are just scarred and have become undercover psychos.! The strippers,porn stars the baby killers the ones that says nice guys are too good the ones that like to be abused..phew...the list goes on and if that dont convince you that there is a problem just turn your tv on and watch an episode of MAURY! We need more positive women in front of these cameras instead of these objects that allow theirselves to be sold for small money or 15 mintues of fame and i personally think that the positive ones out there will have to stand up and lead the pack.We have daughters that need to be respected and treated as women and we dont need them feeling like they have to keep up with the "WHORES"

to have a decent job or to be loved!Enough with the surgeries and the constant competiton of fashion,truth is most women dont even feel comfortable without their accessories or their make-up or their hair being done so are they ever truly happy or at peace with themselves?you tell me!!!